Well, we have made it to another new year, 2010! Wow, it is hard to believe just how quickly time has flown by or in some instances slipped through our fingers… In the words of MacDonald Carey, “Like sand through the hour glass so are the days of our lives.”
With the turning of the calendar page we find ourselves contemplating our personal resolutions for the new year, new beginning. I myself have so many that I have had to scratch a few just for the sake of not being an over-achiever. No one likes an over-achiever, do they? And so here they go…
1.) In the new year I will make it a habit to brush my teeth in the morning and more than once a day. I suppose this resolution goes hand in hand with resolutions two, three, four, five, and six as well.
2.) In the new year I will leave the “comfortability” of my pajamas by noon EVERY day, but one, and this day will be reserved for the weekend. I hope Eric realizes that this resolution will cost money. Seeing as how I own more pajama bottoms than any thing else.
3.) I will make an attempt to have an acceptable appearance each and every day. Which means that no one will ask or question why it is that I answer my door with the hood on my hoodie pulled up over my head because of such severe bed head. Seriously, I cannot believe that I admit that I do this. Also I think I will throw out all of my beloved baseball caps which hide the bed head when I go to the grocery store. They are enabling me. Too bad my husband has provided me with one in every color.
4.) I resolve to never again have artificial nails… Yes, I am one of those crazy Texans who thinks the bigger and brighter the better. I paid nearly $60 less than two weeks ago to have peeled, bitten, or broken each and every one of those nails off. I am a little obsessive compulsive. What can I say? To be honest, I am so lazy, well, maybe I should use either the words exhausted or tired, that I would rather someone else attempt to manicure my nails poorly than me make any personal attempt at all.
5.) (Kristy this one is for you.) I resolve to have a pedicure monthly in order to shed myself of the dead skin that has accumulated since birth on the bottom of my feet. I will humble myself and afford some poor Asian woman this plight. I promise to have my IMac (The laptop that I have requested for my birthday. The FIRST gift I have requested in the entirety of my marriage.) and record a video blog for every ones enjoyment.
6.) I will have a more POSITIVE attitude about showering daily. I will no longer use the “pit” test to determine whether or not I HAVE to have a shower. When you are the mother of five kids showering becomes a daily chore, not a happy, relaxing occurrence.
I know that there are some of you reading this that have asked yourself, does she have any pride? Why is she admitting these things? And the answer is folks, this is my reality, these are my resolutions… However, I must confess that if I step out of the pajama pants and lose the hoodie God only knows what could happen! Look out world, my teeth have been brushed, my hair has been combed, and I don’t have on stretchy pants!