Only a portion of the blog title is an actual book title. An actual book that I was made to read in the 11th grade by my mother who was also my English teacher. Lord knows I would have never read it otherwise. I personally did not enjoy the book and I am a fan of literature, however there is always a funny story to be told so let me begin…
As the book review of Silas Marner began in preparation for the next days test my mother stood in front of the classroom and asked the question, “Does any one know why Silas enters a trance like state?” (I honestly think she asked the question to see just how many of her students had actually read the book.) There was a pause… Hey, I wasn’t raising my hand. (My answer was, he was epileptic. I don’t know if this was the correct answer, but hey it beat what was about to be said.) The mean girl raises her hand and states rather matter of fact, “He was demon possessed.” Now I don’t know whether you, the reader just scratched your head or laughed out loud, but let me tell you I wanted to laugh… I personally don’t know how my mother kept from laughing. God bless her…
The rather odd thing was NO ONE but me found this statement of “fact” to be the least bit odd. I wonder what the mean girl would have assumed had she known the author, George Eliot, was actually a woman? One can only imagine. Luckily for her she graduated high school in spite of Silas Marner and now has a job selling things.
Close your mouth. The blog had ended.
oh my word.