To become motivated to do anything outside of "the must's" for me is quite difficult. I don't diet because quite frankly I don't like feeling deprived and my love for food know's no bounds. Forget romance, give me a nice steak and I am good, preferrably a Porterhouse. Nonetheless, I decided after some rather snarky comments, that are not worth mentioning but worth taking mental note of, that I should begin to exercise. Not really to lose weight but to lose the beer belly. (No, I don't drink beer but I rather enjoy fruity spirits.)
Elan also needed to get in shape for football season to build up endurance for his position that requires running, and so we took up jogging nightly last week. Ten miles in five days with one day off for our beloved Harry Potter. Saturday night I ran more than normal so last night being Sunday I tried to pick up my feet and jog a bit and that is when it hit me. "Am I old or is this how a fat person's joints feel?" I swear it felt like someone was screwing bolts into my joints as I tried to run, and even angry singer P!nk and her tempermental lyrics were not motivating me. However, I persisted and completed four miles walk/run.
This morning I feel nothing but old. My back hurts as do all the other joints below my belt. And I am rather annoyed. My love for all things deep fried and buttered has gotten me here. And now I have to endure the pain. Too bad eating does not hurt! Anyone care for a piece of prickly pear cactus?
This site is dedicated to the mothers out there who struggle from time to time to wear a smile while living days if not years of rinse, wash, repeat.
Carter Ryan
Monday, July 20, 2009
Thursday, July 16, 2009
The use of the word, "distractors", in this blog is referencing those said individuals who distract from the main purpose or goal. Those said individuals who make all situations about themselves and distract from every one else. When I look around I see many of these people and in some ways I suppose this blog goes hand in hand with my previous blog, "The Have's and The Have Not's".
I have determined over the past few months that there are individuals who will choose to be miserable. These same individuals expect pity as well, which I find laughable normally, but at the present rather infuriating, (and honestly I don't have time for it). Another reality is that these same persons are selfish and self-centered. They truly care about no one but themselves and will do whatever it takes to further their own miserable agenda.
For example a few months ago I lost my grandfather and during the funeral and all that death entails I was surprised by the selfish nature of certain people, (others not so much). With death of course there is grief, but everyone is grieving so cut us all some slack here and don't use up all of our emotions. I do realize that the "closeness" of every relationship varies, but hey it's not all about you! And the trivial actions of some were pretty dumbfounding as well. (But that would be another blog.)
An additional example is estranged relationships. I find it sad to say that there are "estranged realtionships" within my family, but there are and I pride myself on being honest, (and want anyone who reads this blog and is in the same situation to know that there are those of us who understand). You know you reach out to those within your family with whom you have no true realtionship only to pull your hand back and be minus a few digits. Apparently my parents knew what they were doing when they removed themselves from certain relationships, (and they aren't so stupid afterall). Distractors are very good at speaking what you want to hear, and this is apparently for the furtherance of their own agenda. Guess what, you bite me, and wowza I bite back and you will be minus more than a few digits dear.
The next instance are those who enter a church body and the back biting ensues. These persons are distracting from the worship of God and Christian fellowship. I feel the need to say nothing further on this matter because I am a firm believer that God Almighty takes care of these fools.
Lastly, those who distract from your every day happiness. Those persons with whom you share freely your time and you walk away considering seeing a psychiatrist just in order to rid yourself of all that they have loaded you with. These same individuals will call only when convenient and normally with an agenda.
This is what I figure, if you accentuate the positive andd eliminate the negative, I am most certain this blog would not be necessary, but for those individuals like me who are real here is what I say, eliminate them no matter how hard. Mark them and stay away. Otherwise you are going to be biten so many times you only be a torso or talking head.
I have determined over the past few months that there are individuals who will choose to be miserable. These same individuals expect pity as well, which I find laughable normally, but at the present rather infuriating, (and honestly I don't have time for it). Another reality is that these same persons are selfish and self-centered. They truly care about no one but themselves and will do whatever it takes to further their own miserable agenda.
For example a few months ago I lost my grandfather and during the funeral and all that death entails I was surprised by the selfish nature of certain people, (others not so much). With death of course there is grief, but everyone is grieving so cut us all some slack here and don't use up all of our emotions. I do realize that the "closeness" of every relationship varies, but hey it's not all about you! And the trivial actions of some were pretty dumbfounding as well. (But that would be another blog.)
An additional example is estranged relationships. I find it sad to say that there are "estranged realtionships" within my family, but there are and I pride myself on being honest, (and want anyone who reads this blog and is in the same situation to know that there are those of us who understand). You know you reach out to those within your family with whom you have no true realtionship only to pull your hand back and be minus a few digits. Apparently my parents knew what they were doing when they removed themselves from certain relationships, (and they aren't so stupid afterall). Distractors are very good at speaking what you want to hear, and this is apparently for the furtherance of their own agenda. Guess what, you bite me, and wowza I bite back and you will be minus more than a few digits dear.
The next instance are those who enter a church body and the back biting ensues. These persons are distracting from the worship of God and Christian fellowship. I feel the need to say nothing further on this matter because I am a firm believer that God Almighty takes care of these fools.
Lastly, those who distract from your every day happiness. Those persons with whom you share freely your time and you walk away considering seeing a psychiatrist just in order to rid yourself of all that they have loaded you with. These same individuals will call only when convenient and normally with an agenda.
This is what I figure, if you accentuate the positive andd eliminate the negative, I am most certain this blog would not be necessary, but for those individuals like me who are real here is what I say, eliminate them no matter how hard. Mark them and stay away. Otherwise you are going to be biten so many times you only be a torso or talking head.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
The Have's and The Have Not's
The title is referencing those who have and those who do not, and no one has everything. We may think as outsiders that someone has everything, but in all honesty every individual is lacking is some area if they are open and honest.
The reason for this blog is due to what I have heard, seen, and read as of late. For instance, "I wish that I could go on vacation to Hawaii.", "I wish I had the money to go and do girly things.", "I wish I had a more adventurous life.", "I wish I had a husband who was more fun."... Seriously, you may "wish" all of these things, but it is my opinion that you have made the choices that have created your circumstances. This may be a hard line, and I am not writing of the circumstances that are beyond any one persons control.
Example, I have a friend who is constantly on the go and when she posts as her facebook status what she will be doing for the day you can count on one person to begrudge her. I cannot even comprehend this! Why would you begrudge someone for "having"? You have the power to create and change your circumstances so if you wish to have fun then make the time for fun.
I am not saying that I am innocent... I wish that I had children who obeyed the majority of the time, I wish that I had a husband who cleaned up after himself, and I wish that I was capable of seeing my sisters and niece more often, however I do not begrudge someone who is capable.
It all boils down to one word, CONTENTMENT. The neuro-physiological experience of satisfaction and being at ease in one's own situation. It is like the diet slogan, "Live your best life now..." and NIKE slogan, "Just Do It..." If you find yourself envious of another individual look inward and fix yourself instead of exposing your insecurities and jealousy.
"We tend to forget that happiness does not come as a result of getting something we do not have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have." ~Frederick Keonig
The reason for this blog is due to what I have heard, seen, and read as of late. For instance, "I wish that I could go on vacation to Hawaii.", "I wish I had the money to go and do girly things.", "I wish I had a more adventurous life.", "I wish I had a husband who was more fun."... Seriously, you may "wish" all of these things, but it is my opinion that you have made the choices that have created your circumstances. This may be a hard line, and I am not writing of the circumstances that are beyond any one persons control.
Example, I have a friend who is constantly on the go and when she posts as her facebook status what she will be doing for the day you can count on one person to begrudge her. I cannot even comprehend this! Why would you begrudge someone for "having"? You have the power to create and change your circumstances so if you wish to have fun then make the time for fun.
I am not saying that I am innocent... I wish that I had children who obeyed the majority of the time, I wish that I had a husband who cleaned up after himself, and I wish that I was capable of seeing my sisters and niece more often, however I do not begrudge someone who is capable.
It all boils down to one word, CONTENTMENT. The neuro-physiological experience of satisfaction and being at ease in one's own situation. It is like the diet slogan, "Live your best life now..." and NIKE slogan, "Just Do It..." If you find yourself envious of another individual look inward and fix yourself instead of exposing your insecurities and jealousy.
"We tend to forget that happiness does not come as a result of getting something we do not have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have." ~Frederick Keonig
Saturday, July 11, 2009
I am not a quitter, I am a fighter...
As a woman who is no fan of Sarah Palin I took great satisfaction in her resignation. Say it ain't so Joe! You ask why am I not a fan? Well, other than a few moral issues Sarah and I really don't seem to see eye to eye on much of anything. Just because she is a female political figure, (and in my opinion this requires a stretch of the imagination and using the term loosely), does not mean that she has my support. Plain and simple, I did not find her to be qualified for the positions as governor or vice president. She is no Kay Bailey Hutchison or Hillary Rodham Clinton. If elected to the highest office in the land it would definitely prove that ANYONE can be president.
Ask anyone who knows me well, I wanted to like the woman, but I just could not force myself. The accent, the flight attendant wardrobe, and the phraseology just simply sent me to the edge. When it became public information that Mrs. Palin's eldest daughter Bristol was pregnant I often wondered if she would be able to take the heat, and also I questioned what type of mother would knowingly put her family in the position to endure the scrutiny that was evident at the onset of her vice-presidential campaign. Never did I judge, but in all sincerity thought of the familys best interests. They were apparent to me, why not the Governor?
As the story unfolded before us and the election wrapped up it was apparent this family could not stand in the spotlight of the ever present 24 hour news media, however, Mrs. Palin persisted. FINALLY she folds, and in doing so leaves office with the words "I am a fighter, not a quitter." No! Mrs. Palin you did not fight for what was most important, your family! You sacrificed your daughter and for what? To quit!
Since Mrs. Palin likes to quote and even stand upon the Bible I would have her reference chapter 31 of Proverbs. This Governor Palin is a fighter. This is a mother!
Ask anyone who knows me well, I wanted to like the woman, but I just could not force myself. The accent, the flight attendant wardrobe, and the phraseology just simply sent me to the edge. When it became public information that Mrs. Palin's eldest daughter Bristol was pregnant I often wondered if she would be able to take the heat, and also I questioned what type of mother would knowingly put her family in the position to endure the scrutiny that was evident at the onset of her vice-presidential campaign. Never did I judge, but in all sincerity thought of the familys best interests. They were apparent to me, why not the Governor?
As the story unfolded before us and the election wrapped up it was apparent this family could not stand in the spotlight of the ever present 24 hour news media, however, Mrs. Palin persisted. FINALLY she folds, and in doing so leaves office with the words "I am a fighter, not a quitter." No! Mrs. Palin you did not fight for what was most important, your family! You sacrificed your daughter and for what? To quit!
Since Mrs. Palin likes to quote and even stand upon the Bible I would have her reference chapter 31 of Proverbs. This Governor Palin is a fighter. This is a mother!
Friday, July 10, 2009
Sheppard Air Force Base's own Wisteria Lane
I was hesitant about moving on base, mainly the forty minute commute twice a day every day to shuttle the kids back and forth to the only school that they had ever known, and honestly military living, I should say "normal military living" is not my idea of fun in the least. I am not your "typical military wife". If you just asked yourself what does that mean? Just be glad you do not know. My little sister, Kristy can share a story or two, or plenty with you. (Camp Pendleton USA!)
A week into our residence we received new neighbors and much to my excitement upon meeting them it was if I had already known the wife, Jenn. For all of you who believe in past lives I hope that I am not a product of "recycling" but you know I sort of get where you kooks would believe this... Well, due to our busy lives we rarely had the great fortune (on my part) of spending time with one another, but over the summer I have gotten to know the family well, and I now think of Jenn as one of my dearest friends. (Why? because she is just cool like that. There is no room for judgment at her table.) (She did not even suggest to Eric that I be committed when I lost my "shizz" with the City of WF Sanitation last week. And believe you me this required great restraint on her part.)
Jenn and I have a "Bree Van de Camp Hodge type" here on Sheppard Air Force Base's own Wisteria Lane. (I never said that there was not room for judgment at my table.) Example, one Saturday evening as Jenn and I sat watching the storms roll in she (Bree) berated her child with profanities that I had never heard. (I am well versed. Not bragging, just stating the facts.) She gave us an education in all things Mommy Dearest would say... (I realize this is not funny and I should have called the authorities, but this would make me Gladys Kravitz, "the nosey neighbor" and I am not nosey just "observant".)
Then two weeks later as I sat out on a beautiful Saturday morning reading and sipping coffee Bree comes out before 8 a.m. and fires up her lawn mower. (Now mind you we have yard service and there is no need, unless you are just OCD, and then I suggest you watch A&E's OBSESSED. You will want to get yourself right after one episode of that craziness.) Now she interrupted my peace and quiet and woke up the entire neighborhood. (I don't imagine we will be seeing any I heart Bree bumper stickers in the near future.) Instead of getting up and going inside I decide to "people watch" (be nosey) and once she is done mowing her 12x12 front lawn, she washes her car and reprimands her children who are still in the house from outside at the top of her lungs. No wonder those damn kids are so mean, look at their mother. To complete her cycle of crazy after detailing her car she pressure washed her driveway and then mopped it. What! Seriously, she mopped it...
Now, I am just saying if you have to have a character from Desperate Housewives living on your Wisteria Lane let it be Bree. She will provide hours of random nonsense for your viewing pleasure.
My first blog is dedicated to Jenn R who laughs at my craziness instead of running in the other direction.
A week into our residence we received new neighbors and much to my excitement upon meeting them it was if I had already known the wife, Jenn. For all of you who believe in past lives I hope that I am not a product of "recycling" but you know I sort of get where you kooks would believe this... Well, due to our busy lives we rarely had the great fortune (on my part) of spending time with one another, but over the summer I have gotten to know the family well, and I now think of Jenn as one of my dearest friends. (Why? because she is just cool like that. There is no room for judgment at her table.) (She did not even suggest to Eric that I be committed when I lost my "shizz" with the City of WF Sanitation last week. And believe you me this required great restraint on her part.)
Jenn and I have a "Bree Van de Camp Hodge type" here on Sheppard Air Force Base's own Wisteria Lane. (I never said that there was not room for judgment at my table.) Example, one Saturday evening as Jenn and I sat watching the storms roll in she (Bree) berated her child with profanities that I had never heard. (I am well versed. Not bragging, just stating the facts.) She gave us an education in all things Mommy Dearest would say... (I realize this is not funny and I should have called the authorities, but this would make me Gladys Kravitz, "the nosey neighbor" and I am not nosey just "observant".)
Then two weeks later as I sat out on a beautiful Saturday morning reading and sipping coffee Bree comes out before 8 a.m. and fires up her lawn mower. (Now mind you we have yard service and there is no need, unless you are just OCD, and then I suggest you watch A&E's OBSESSED. You will want to get yourself right after one episode of that craziness.) Now she interrupted my peace and quiet and woke up the entire neighborhood. (I don't imagine we will be seeing any I heart Bree bumper stickers in the near future.) Instead of getting up and going inside I decide to "people watch" (be nosey) and once she is done mowing her 12x12 front lawn, she washes her car and reprimands her children who are still in the house from outside at the top of her lungs. No wonder those damn kids are so mean, look at their mother. To complete her cycle of crazy after detailing her car she pressure washed her driveway and then mopped it. What! Seriously, she mopped it...
Now, I am just saying if you have to have a character from Desperate Housewives living on your Wisteria Lane let it be Bree. She will provide hours of random nonsense for your viewing pleasure.
My first blog is dedicated to Jenn R who laughs at my craziness instead of running in the other direction.
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