The use of the word, "distractors", in this blog is referencing those said individuals who distract from the main purpose or goal. Those said individuals who make all situations about themselves and distract from every one else. When I look around I see many of these people and in some ways I suppose this blog goes hand in hand with my previous blog, "The Have's and The Have Not's".
I have determined over the past few months that there are individuals who will choose to be miserable. These same individuals expect pity as well, which I find laughable normally, but at the present rather infuriating, (and honestly I don't have time for it). Another reality is that these same persons are selfish and self-centered. They truly care about no one but themselves and will do whatever it takes to further their own miserable agenda.
For example a few months ago I lost my grandfather and during the funeral and all that death entails I was surprised by the selfish nature of certain people, (others not so much). With death of course there is grief, but everyone is grieving so cut us all some slack here and don't use up all of our emotions. I do realize that the "closeness" of every relationship varies, but hey it's not all about you! And the trivial actions of some were pretty dumbfounding as well. (But that would be another blog.)
An additional example is estranged relationships. I find it sad to say that there are "estranged realtionships" within my family, but there are and I pride myself on being honest, (and want anyone who reads this blog and is in the same situation to know that there are those of us who understand). You know you reach out to those within your family with whom you have no true realtionship only to pull your hand back and be minus a few digits. Apparently my parents knew what they were doing when they removed themselves from certain relationships, (and they aren't so stupid afterall). Distractors are very good at speaking what you want to hear, and this is apparently for the furtherance of their own agenda. Guess what, you bite me, and wowza I bite back and you will be minus more than a few digits dear.
The next instance are those who enter a church body and the back biting ensues. These persons are distracting from the worship of God and Christian fellowship. I feel the need to say nothing further on this matter because I am a firm believer that God Almighty takes care of these fools.
Lastly, those who distract from your every day happiness. Those persons with whom you share freely your time and you walk away considering seeing a psychiatrist just in order to rid yourself of all that they have loaded you with. These same individuals will call only when convenient and normally with an agenda.
This is what I figure, if you accentuate the positive andd eliminate the negative, I am most certain this blog would not be necessary, but for those individuals like me who are real here is what I say, eliminate them no matter how hard. Mark them and stay away. Otherwise you are going to be biten so many times you only be a torso or talking head.
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