Carter Ryan

Monday, April 19, 2010

And the boy screamed, Martin Luther King!

What do you do when your three year old child begins to scream in the checkout line at the grocery store? I personally opened a package of M&M’s and began shoving them in his mouth hoping that he would not continue to scream, “Martin Luther King”… and then I began to threaten him when he asked the bagger, a small Asian woman to in his words, “stop looking at me, you are making me nervous.”

One may ask, several already have, to include his own dad, “Why Martin Luther King?” To which I have sheepishly replied, “I don’t know. Too much History Channel?” However, upon further investigation I have learned that when your older brother is beating the crap out of you, “Martin Luther King”, is what you scream to get attention so he will stop.

I know that this may not be funny to some and I must admit it is not politically correct, however it is my life.

1 comment:

  1. one kid recently said, mom today was Martin Loser King jr day. also not PC, but kids are not, and that is what makes them funny. They can get away with that.
