Carter Ryan

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Motherhood of the Pajama Pants...

This blog originates from a comment made by a neighbor that I could have taken offense to, but rather I decided to laugh once I realized the truth behind her statement, "I did not recognize you without your pajamas." Yes, she said that... My internal reaction? Someone did not take their meds this morning. My outward reaction? I was stung! Stung until the next evening when I looked down at my pale pink and polka dotted pants with several different stains that I had acquired throughout my hectic day to realize that she was indeed correct. I rarely leave the comfortability of my beloved pajama bottoms...
Even as I write this blog I wonder to myself, how in the world did I get here? Here, the place where uncombed hair, smudged mascara, unmanicured nails, and pajamas worn since the last time I showered, (Which may or may not have been yesterday???), is my normal. I don't know whether I should laugh or cry. Really it is quite pathetic.