Carter Ryan

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Lessons Learned

So apparently at 30something years old I am still learning lessons, especially ones in patience. Not my strongest virtue I might add. So I have taken to chronicling them.

LESSON NUMBER ONE; When your child (or husband) decides that they would like to purchase a pet PROTEST and A LOT… I am NOT a “pet person.” I have five, almost six kids, I don’t have time for picking up or cleaning up after other creatures. Especially ones that require more attention than children. Totally not my thing. Yet guess who was cleaning out a ferret & guinea pig cage at 8 last night? Me! Yep, that is right. (Erica helped. Poor girl was bleeding from having her head bit off so many times and for that I am truly sorry. I am not sorry for refusing to cook any form of a meal last night though.) Point is, they are NOT our pets and well if you want something done and done correctly you often have to shut your mouth, smile and just do it or put your foot down in PetCo. (That doesn’t mean I did not shut the door harder than necessary on more than one occasion and mumble several things under my breath and cry from exhaustion later, but next time I will remember to do it at the appropriate time, IN PETCO.)

LESSON NUMBER TWO; It is often best just to shut your mouth and let the other person have the last word. As difficult as it is for someone like me it is best. The last word often is the only thing the person has left. Be gracious, let them have it. In the end you truly do feel better for being the bigger person and just letting it go. Arguing is not as fun as it once was. Apparently I am getting older.

LESSON NUMBER THREE; Do not drink a double shot espresso after not having large amounts of caffeine for any lengthy period of time. I think I now have some sort of idea what it is like to either be tweeking from crystal meth or having withdrawal symptoms. Not fun… By the end of the day I was a complete emotional mess.

LESSON NUMBER FOUR; As ridiculous as you may find your mother from time to time her intuition never fails. So when she says, something is not right… LISTEN. You will save yourself and others a lot of heartache. (No Mom, I don’t find you ridiculous.)

LESSON NUMBER FIVE; DO NOT under any circumstances schedule three appointments for one day especially when you know one drains you of all your senses.

LESSON NUMBER SIX; Don’t listen to others when they tell you to rest and nap as much as possible when an impending birth is near. I spent, get this, 6 hours cleaning two rooms yesterday and they are still not up to my liking. You are the only person who knows you. So, if clutter, dust, dirt and grime make you a nervous wreck stay on top of the madness before it becomes beyond your control.

FINAL LESSON: SEVEN; Be quick to see the blessing! I know shocker after my previous statements. After a hard week, somewhat self inflicted, I felt hurt, betrayed, used, abused, pretty much just down about life and people. Then I opened my eyes. I had a Sally Field moment. There are people that love me, really love me. And why? Because I am me. And you know what? That is good enough.

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